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Group classes are canceled until further notice due to COVID-19, including adult classes. Tuition will not be charged in April and beyond until we reopen classes.

Please read email sent on March 25 and March 12, 2020 for more details! Thank you and stay healthy.


Private lessons are also CANCELED. Please contact the coach who conducts your private lesson for further information and to schedule any lesson make-up. Thanks!  





Update for all classes 3/17-4/1:

Classes are still canceled (Explore with Me, Junior 1, Junior 2, Core 1, Core 2, and Beginning Tumbling). You will be receiving an email per class with an unlisted YouTube video link to follow along with a modified class you can do at home (if that works for your household). 


Update for Monday 3/16 classes:

Classes are still canceled (Explore with Me, Junior 1, and Adv Tumbling). You will be receiving an email per class with an unlisted YouTube video link to follow along with a modified class you can do at home (if that works for your household).


Update for Saturday 3/14 classes:

Classes are still canceled (Junior 1, Junior 2, and Tumbling). You will be receiving an email per class with an unlisted YouTube video link to follow along with a modified class you can do at home (if that works for your household).


Update for Friday 3/13 afternoon classes:

3/13/2020 1:00pm: Classes are still canceled (Junior 1, Junior 2, and Ninja). You will be receiving an email per class with an unlisted YouTube video link to follow along with a modified class you can do at home (if that works for your household).


Update for Thursday 3/12 afternoon classes:

3/12/2020 3:30pm: We have emailed classes YouTube links to specific videos by class. They will be unlisted YouTube videos (for now) so that only your class will have the link. Our coaches will be coaching modified, for-the-home classes, specific to your class! It is not a substitute for being here at the gym, but at least it's something to get us moving and keep spirits up :)


3/12/2020 1:12pm: We will be posting a link to online content here shortly. Stay tuned.


Email sent out on March 25, 2020: 

Hi Kazio Families!

We hope everyone is staying healthy and safe at home. It’s been a rainy week, but I hope we’ve all been able to find moments of sunshine in our life :P Too cheesy? Too bad; we need it!

We definitely miss you all and wish we were coaching in-person. But alas, we can get through this COVID-19 pandemic if we all stay together by staying apart. Our staff at Kazio – coach Brian, Kina, Sarah, Mieke, and Joseph – have been working to pivot to our online gymnastics training. Together, we’ve made over 50 videos, all catered to our students at Kazio. It’s been a whirlwind! As with all other small businesses around the world, we are trying to figure out what this extended closure means for us. This is our plan:


Your Child’s Enrollment at Kazio

We will not be charging tuition for the month of April and beyond until we reopen our doors. All memberships are paused (no make-up classes are accrued past March 31) and your spot in class will remain as-is. We know that your family’s schedule might be different by the time we reopen, and we will handle those changes on a case-by-case basis to find a different class time that works for you when we reopen. As nobody knows when this pandemic will end, we do not know when we will reopen. The make-ups that you accrued during our March closure will remain, expiring 3 months after the day we reopen.


Virtual Gymnastics Classes

We received great feedback – and some seriously awesome pictures too – from the “Live Stream” class videos we’ve sent! We know it’s not quite the same as being in the gym, but it’s a fun way to keep our kids moving and challenged at home. It is also our way to continue to pay our coaches and keep connected with our Kazio community.

If you’d like to continue receiving these videos past March 31: good news! We will be starting a virtual gymnastics program, similar to what you’ve been receiving, but expanded, including videos for the whole family! We’re not sure what the exact platform to deploy will be but…

  • Starting April 1, we will release a gymnastics-at-home program to the WORLD! ;)

  • The program will be broken down into levels and age groups. We’ll provide a mapping between your current class and the virtual class names.

  • We will be donating 10% of all proceeds to a cause related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite our own financial uncertainty, there are others worse off than us and in dire need of resources. As a business that strives to be part of the Bay Area community, we want to do our part. If you have charity suggestions, tell us ASAP!

  • Tuition for these videos will be roughly $10/week, cancel at any time.

Stay tuned for the rest of the details and how to continue to get your gymnastics classes via video past March 31.

So that’s the scoop. Please email us – as always – with any questions you have or any stories of your kids doing gymnastics at home. Hearing from you really keeps us going, especially in these isolating times.



Email sent out on March 12, 2020 01:10PM: 

Hi families,

After much consideration, we have decided to cancel all classes until further notice. Read below to see how this effects your enrollment. We will still provide DAILY updates by 1pm everyday – in the very least to confirm that classes are still canceled.

Why classes are canceled

We know that everyone’s situation is different, but here is our stance on our community’s personal health and safety; the reasons why we canceling are:

  • Gymnastics is a contact sport done in a facility where we cannot reasonably sanitize everything someone touches.

  • Even though we love this sport and thinks it provides a lot of education for our students, ultimately, it is a non-essential activity.

  • Given all of the social distancing the Bay Area is advocating for to slow the spread and not overwhelm our healthcare workers, we feel we must do our part to aid.

  • We will cancel classes at least through the weekend, if not through the next week. Again we will give DAILY updates to confirm cancelations.

How this effects your enrollment

Secondly, the financial impact this implicates on small businesses is large. While a lot of large companies and tech firms can work from home, we cannot do that. Kazio has been open for less than a year, and as a small business, we rely on a healthy local economy to stay afloat and keep providing services to our community. We still would like to pay our coaches (even if nominal), who rely on hourly wages, and still have to pay rent for our facility!

Even though we are canceling classes, we ask you to not drop your child’s enrollment. Instead, if you stay with us:

  • We will be providing exclusive online content catered to your child’s classes. We haven’t sorted it all out yet, but will likely have a “live class” available during your child’s normal time, where we stretch and do modified exercise at home. Likely through YouTube, but TBD – hopefully by tonight.

  • For every missed class due to COVID-19, we will be providing an option to make up the class in a regular class (not open gym). The way we are going to do that is that we planned on opening up new classes in April, but instead will offer those as a makeup class exclusive to current customers.

  • We will also have more open gym options (TBD on timing).

  • You will have 3 months from the day we resume classes to make up your missed classes.

Again, we ask you do not drop your child’s enrollment with us because we are working hard on balancing staying in business, doing what’s right for our community’s health, and being fair to our customers. However, we understand that you must do what you think is best for your household and will honor any cancelations for April 2020.

Thank you for your time and we hope we all get through this! If you have any questions, check our website first as we will be posting there about how to get to online content and status of things like private lessons. If it doesn’t answer your question, feel free to email us.


Email sent out on March 12, 2020 09:35AM: 

Hi families,

As many, if not all, of you know, this corona virus strain COVID-19 is a rising concern for our city and broader area. Even though children are not at a high risk for COVID-19, they can still contract the illness and those with cardiovascular compromise are at a higher risk than others. We will continue to monitor the city of Pleasanton’s guidance on recreational activities for children and their school policies.

In the meantime, as a gymnastics gym where we are often in close proximity, we are taking measures to ensure the safety of our customers and community. We have been sanitizing frequently touched objects and urging our students to wash their hands with soap after class. In addition, aligned with our general sick policy, but especially in these times, we urge you to not bring your child to class if you think they are sick. Remember, COVID-19 presents with the following symptoms (from CDC poster):

  • Fever

  • Dry cough that is unexplained by another cause (e.g. allergies)

  • Shortness of breath

The number of people inside the gym at any one time stays below 50 occupants. We will give DAILY updates by 1pm for classes occurring that day. For example, today’s Thursday classes will hear from us by 1pm whether or not classes are canceled. That being said, please do what you think is best for the safety of yourself and your child. Our makeup policy can be found in our policies here as well.

As this pandemic progresses, we are exploring alternative makeup policies and schedule alternatives to keep our gym sustainable in these uncertain economic times. If we were to close for several weeks, Brian and I will work with our coaches to find a solution to keep our local economy healthy as well as our personal safety.

Again, we will continue to monitor the city of Pleasanton’s guidance and will provide any updates on our website and via email. You will hear an update from us by 1pm every day to assess if there are classes as the CDC doesn’t update their data until noon.

Lastly, if you think you have had contact with someone who has COV-19 (presumptive or confirmed), please email Kina at to discuss your circumstances confidentially.


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